1*phenyl alkaptonuria is due to?? 2*Rgroup is "H" in amino acids is?? 3*reproduction topic ??? 4*joints move in saveral directions???? 5* laser uses 6*find voltage 7*life of RBC is 4,5,6 month 8*living part of an ecosystm community,hydrosphere,lithosphere etc 9*ph of blood, 10*strokes law formula, 11*lipids amount in gram positive or negative bacteria 12*ph of blood.. many qs frm immunity n reprduction... 13*if the speed of sound through a gas is 340m/s and its pressure is changed keeping the temperature constant, speed becomes? a) 340m/s b) 342m/s c) 280m/s 14*What do glucagon do(glycogen?glucose) 15*What is the chemical nature of insulin and glucagon(proteins) 16*Which of the following is a redox reaction(2na+cl2?2nacl) 17*Which of the following is a ketone(ch3-co-ch3) 18*rmc are syntheszd frm (lymphocytes)... 19*antibody identiies a specific antigen through(variable sit) 20*variable amino site is present in(upper region ) 21*ph of normal rain... 22*aqueous soltn of NH3 is (basic or alkaline) 23*cystic fibrosis ---- ion is faulty.... 24*dna templat is synthesizd frm (viral rna ) in reverse transcrptn during aids.... 25*lysosomes are synthesized in(r.e.r) ---- 26*lysosomes help in ---- (autophagy)........ ... 27*centrioles are made up of 27 microtubules 28*solution of NH3 in aqueous solution is 29*definition of point mutation symbiosis A..acidic B .. basic C.. amphoteric 30*in pcr dna helix is separatd by (heat treatmnt) 31*yellowsh brown color of smog is due to(SO2) 32*bromonetion of phenol yields (its structure) 33*conversn of alkyl bromide into alkene is(ellimination) 34*esterification is nucleophilic.ellectrophilic substitutn addition etc.... 35*mutualism definition.. 36*eutrophicationn definiton...... 37*organic decay of carbohydrates in the presenc of anaerobic bcteria produces (methane)..... 38*dna made frm reverse trancriptase frm mrna is (complemntry).. 39*2 polypeptides r held togther by (di sulphude bridges) 40*centrioles is absent in? 41*glycine ka formula? 42*synonyms:illicit, 43*lampoon, 44*transgient. 45*which structure separates right atrium n ri8 ventricle? its septum(not tricuspid valve) 46*Wht is homeostasis?, 47*CAT stands for? 48* Nadh produ ATP? 49*Damped oscillation graph, 50*Effeciency of engine, 51*Laser's uses, 52*Arrhenius graph, 53*Current flow in voltaic cell, 54*Calculate percentage elongation if 4m wire elongated 40 cm? a)10% b)100% c)0.1% d) 40% 55*When lift is freely moving the apparent weight will be? a.increases b.decreses c.zero d.none of these. 56*Treponema palladiun causes? 57*Which is nucleophile (NH3 BF3 etc) 58*If ratio b/w K.E1 and K.E2 is 2:3 then ration between velocity(speed) v1/v2 of electron is ? a.2:3 b.4:9 c.9:4 d.3:2 59*Radioactivity depends on? a.temperature b.pressure c.both d.none 60*In straight wire if current is upward b/w N and S poles then direction of magnetic field will be? a.upward b.downward c.clockwise d.anticlockwise e.both a and d f.both b and c 61*basic independent unit of life ??? cell 62*sleeping sickness is caused by ? anopheles , aedes , traypanosma 63*capacity of lung in men is ? 2.5 litres , 5litres 64*synonyms: obliterate, 65*the association b/w 2 organisms in which both get benefit is called: a) mutualism b) parasitism c) commensalism d) predation 66*which fungus causes thrush in man? a. aspergillus fumigatus b) candidiasis 67*optimum pH of pancreatic lipase 68* collagen is found in? tendons 69* Resistance in series and ohms law relation 70*POLYVinylchloride(pvc) is an example of....... addition polymer 71* mycorrhiza is an example of..... 72*islets of langerhans..insulin is produced by....alpha cells... 73*about ketones.... 74*2,3 questions frm topics mutation...muscles 75*..epistasis.. 76*pleotrpy 77*vocab:motif, 78*illicit, 79*henous, 80*malevolence, 81*obliterate, 82*mesmerize, 83*lampoon, 84*intransigent, 85*iniquity, 86*inculcate 87*the Quaid's ______ enthusiasm led muslims of indo pak to independence a)Onerous b)simplified c)latent d)threatning 88*Indolence gives vent to _______ disposition in human life. a)energetic b)enthusiastic c)static d)filthy 89*He _______ the day they had brought such a large house. a)hUES B)rUES C) rOWS D)dUES 90*He _______ incident to back of his mind. a)revered b)regulated c)regalated d)relegate 91*No one is casting aspersions to you. No one is casting aspersions at you. No one is casting aspersions on you. No one is casting aspersions with you. 92*pakistan cricket team forged on impregnable lead. pakistan cricket team forged an impregnable lead. pakistan cricket team forged the impregnable lead. pakistan cricket team forged against impregnable lead. 93* Shelley is considered to be an idealistic poet. Shelley is consider to be an idealistic poet. Shelley is considering to be an idealistic poet. Shelley is considers to be an idealistic poet. 94*If a solenoid is cut into two halves then the magnetic field on it will be? a.constant b.double c.four times d.half 95*Minimum wavelength of X-rays can increase by? a)decreasing frequency b)increasing f C)increasind voltage d)none 96)the penetrating power is maximum for? a)alpha, b)beta c)gamma d)alpha,beta and gamma have same penetrating power 97)Molal freezing point of water is? a)1.86 b)-1.86 c)100 d) no. of microtubules in centrioles ? which 1 nt presnt in grown plants .. centrioles ? nuclear membrane is continues with .... Endoplasmic reticulum ? treponema palladium cause ? which has more lipids ? gram +Ve or _ve ? cavity btw digestive tract and body wall ? digestive system is formed by ? mesoderm ? tape worm is present in ? blood fluke ? 1 nadp produce hw many atp ? Critical angle? Focal length wala? energy is produced by ? respiration enterokinase activate which enzyme ? lymph vein enter into blood by ? subclavin antibodeis are produced by? lymphocytes ? antibodies are introduced in ? passive immunity ? which 1 is tricuspid ?which element in alzhimer disease ... Al cystic fibroris me jo ion tha ... Cl lysosomal enzymes are from ? autophagy ki def ? mycozrhizae have which type of assosication ? undamped osillation ka graph ? current and resistance tha and voltage find karna tha ? cell ki defination ? mutualism ki defination ? community ki def ? which 1 is used to seperate strands in DNA .... heat ? reverse transcriptase is used to from DNA from .... viral RNA ? most abundant carbohydrate ? zwitter ion ? purines kon kon say hen ? ph of pancreatic lipase ? fluid mosaic model ? efficieny and critical angle ka Q tha ? power ki dimension ? isothermal change ki equation ? apparant w8 when lift freely moving ? k.e in SHM ki equation ? velocity in SHM ki eq. ? cross sectional area and flow speed ? remain constant... ? torque ka i thnk Q tha ? magnetic induction ki eq. say numerical tha ? zero order reaction is independent of ? aldosteron is for ? Na ions ... ? ADH act on ? collecting ... glucagon is for ? sarcomere defination .. Ca bind with ? troponin ... Antigen attacks which strand? Antigens r introduced in which immunity? Variable strand is present in which region? Hormone which control production of other hormones? Component absorb in large amount by large intestine? Product of glucose in aerobic condition? Centrioles have number of microtubules? Living part of ecosystem? Right atrium and right ventricle r separated by? Digestive system is formed by? Collagen is present in? Light absorbing part of chlorophyll? This is one of the bifurcated roads/road? destruction in ozone layer results in icreased: a)CO2 b)SO2 c)N02 d)UV rays eating of cells internal pats by lysosomes is: a)endocytocysis b)pinocytosis c)phagocytosis d)autophagy