Remember this is all about the title. esp for purpose quest. . Understand your current sentence. a. read in grammatical chunks (3 to 7 words) b. visualize as you read c. one word anchor scroll down quiickly check questions no by review ...which reading... 2 minutes to read all reading leave space ... Breath deepily regularly Hold the question in my mind as I answer it. 1.Know the question. b. Repeat it clearly from memory with your eyes closed c. Key words help us find the sentence that answers the question 2. Prephrase the answer. 3. Evaluate each answer choice with the yes-no-maybe technique. *avoid explaining why an answer is right or wrong as you evaluate *"maybe" tends to be a long moment of thinking (avoid "yes" or "no" at the tail) * "maybe" is perfectly, 100% fine; avoid fighting against it * learn the balance of respect for your pre-phrased answer 1973...20 century 1.Inference question...more time Paragraph 1 supports which of the following ideas about x? supports which of the following statements about the role played by population density in the industrialization of the Netherlands and Scandinavia? keywords usually opposite. not stated in the passage, new words, new idea. read whole paragraph..carefully...examples....end. process of elimination. ans choice is paraphrased..this will not be the answer. ans should be guess (100) based on inf. remember main idea of paragraph, title modifiers..ans choice. same sentence in reading ...wrong AVOID MIXING IDEAS steps: *read question..type..keep it check ans 1Comprehend the answer choice . get keyword a. Read until you find the first possible answer. 2. Prephrase the answer. 3. Compare with the mentioned-not mentioned… maybe-wrong technique. 2.Detail .. paraphrase ..1 snynom...adj least ..verb..sub 1 sentence ans choice keyword strategy read carefully 3. Except ... CHECK THEM ALL..BE CAREFUL..DONT MOVE QUICKLY one after another....dont jumb..not far away at same sure it is part of list.. for example .. prevent buiding nest..choices..buiding nest ..wrong.. not should see ans... which one is strongly wrong.. for example: had few barriers..lack of obstackles...f..close in meaning without grandiose projects.....huge projects ..t,,opposite in meaning,century..part..inference..strong wrong.. not the right ans. steps: read question..type..keep it check ans Read until you find the first possible answer. Compare with the mentioned-not mentioned… maybe-wrong CHECK THEM ALL..BE CAREFUL..DONT MOVE QUICKLY 4. purpose : 1st sentence of paragrapg. 1 sentence before read it carefully. transition words, adverbs . think about title of paragraph, diff ideas.. not focus on examples itself, more general. 1 sentence of paragrapg is useful but not always.. evidence to an idea author doesn't need to support any idea introduce idea ..which is after the quest 1st sentence ..look to the next sentence to know purpose. or sometimes ..same sentence. 5.Best express.. not too much general. not focus on details a. Wrong answers come from the same words in a different order.. with different meaning paraphrase.REMEMBER THIS my mistakes usually from it b. Use different connecting adverbs to change the meaning c. Loose connection with the main clause(s) steps: sentence..main slowly..main ideas 2.dependant...extra inf.. 3.look to linking words/transition..relationship.. 4. ans choice.. tense of verb..similar. verb ..synonym..noun..same. relationships..cause..effect..look order of inf ..imp 6. insert .. 1st keyword ..ans ..AFTER KEYWORD..imp..dont hesitate to do that ideas..1st or synonym..ans after it. general...specific transition words refernce. Prephrase the answer. a. What do you expect to read before AND after the sentence relation to previous paragraph begining. classification at begening.