Rqs Paola Alvarez. Good luck everybody! Part 2 is longer than part 1, I would advice you to get some rest the night before of your exam and the night between day 1 and day 2, I felt day 2 was way longer and it took me half of the time so be ready for that!! Overall the exam is doable, most of my questions came from recent files (Strawberry, DanMan, Canine, MayJune file and of course, El Maestro). For day 2 there is a file called masterday2 and unicorn. Those are important, the questions wont be exactly the same but you will be asked about certain pathologies that are mentioned in those files. Here is my Rqs!! 1) Question about behavior shaping. Which one is not a behavior shaping tecnique.1 of the options was “Carrot-Stick tecnique” thats the one I marked but after the exam I found out that the carrot-stick tecnique actually exists!! 2) Multiple questions about endo. They will tell you the patients symptoms and you have to diagnose if the pulp is vital or not and what procedure you would perform, I didnt find them too complicated. 3) I had one picture on day 1, it was a Lichen. 4) What does the "W" mean for clamps-- Wingless. 5) What forceps for a max premolar. 150 6) How long you have to wait after a bleaching to place a composite. 1 week 7) Mechanism of action of fluoride. Make enamel stronger. 8) What does fluoride do. Replaces hydroxil 9) A patient comes back to the office for a first follow up, he tells you the bottom denture you gave him keeps falling out when he talks. Probable cause? --Overextended borders-- 10) How many pins to replace cusps with a onlay amalgam? 1 per cusp? 11) Mechanism of action of Sulfonamides? PABA 12) Implant placement: High torque, Low speed 13) Opioids antagonist: Naloxone 14) They asked me 3 times this about antagonists: High affinity, no intrinsic activity. 15) Axillary nodules: Neurofibromatosis 16) Amantadine: Anti TB 17) What is not a sign of opioid overdose: Mydriasis. I feel most of the questions were about the exception.. 18) Angles classification: like 3 or 4 questions on that with Xrays and or Pictures and then, whats the patients profile. 19) Ear Lobe, max sinus and zygoma on Xrays 20) Medication for status epilepticus: Diazepam was not in the options so I put Midazolam 21) How many permanent teeth does a 9year old have in the mouth. 9-12? 22) Only 1 question about how much anesthetic for a 20kilos boy. 2 was not in the options so I put 1 23) There was a picture of a bridge and the gingiva surrounding one of the retainers was very swollen.. what its not the probable cause? Shade selection 24) I got like 6 questions on Hue, Value and Chroma so make sure you know those well. 25) Most important thing when placing an implant? Silly options so I put stabilization when placing it 26) Patient that has been smoking for 30 years.- Precontemplation, Action, Contemplation, Maintenance? I put precontemplation 27) Questions on Perio.. Whats the recommended time for maintenance appointments? Every 6 months?? 28) What is true about Codeine? 29) Treatment for Osteitis: Dressing and gentle wash. 30) Multiple questions about Cleidocranial dysplasia: Supernumerary and Ectodermal dyplasia: Oligodontia 31) You want to report a drug? FDA 32) Whats the first thing a dentist have to do? Stablish rapport 33) Who is more prone to Chronic Periodontitis: Black males 34) Which one is malignant? Pagets disease 35) First thing that will happen after high dose of radiation? Erythema 36) Multiple Osteomas? Gardners 37) Leukoedema (Picture) It was bilateral, Blue/grey lesion 38) Epulis hystologically? Granuloma... Clinically: Fibroma 39) Disadvantage of oral sedation: No tritation 40) 1 month after placement of amalgam and its pigmented.. microleakage?? 41) You were about to put anesthesia and pt starts wheezing (Pt was asthmatic)? Asthma attack 42) What is not a sign of Parkinson? Good short term memory 43) What drugs cause dry mouth... Weird options 44) % of HPV? 85% 45) Distance between 2 implans? 3 mm 46) Pt taking baby aspirin(81mg)? We dont have to stop the medication 47) Whats the O in PICO questions? Outcome 48) What nerve does not give sensation to the tongue? Hypoglossal 49) What causes Osteonecrosis 50) Inform consent: When to get it? After explaining treatment plan 51) Prevalence/Incidence questions. Prevalence: Existing cases. Incidence: New cases 52) Biopsy after 2 weeks. 53) A picture of a big white lesion on the lateral border of the tongue, what biopsy: Incisional 54) Pt with CHF, what not to do.. Position him horizontally 55) Pregnant patient: IVC 56) Most potent LA? Bupivacaine 57) Patient is very anxious, you want to help him, what to do? Explain the treatment plan carefully.. prescribe him a Midazolam 56) 5mm intrusion, primary tooth? let it re-erupt 57) Epi and histamine. Physiologic antagonism 58) pKa: Onset 59) What lesion is radiolucent? OKC 60) Drug is more efficient when its free in blood 61) Ludwigs Angina? Not in retropharyngeal space 62) Pt with pigmentation on the face, heart and kidney problems? Lupus 63) What antifungal can be given orally? Clothrimazole 64) How long to splint a tooth with a mid root fracture? 7-10 days 65) Photo initiator for composite? Camphoroquinone 66) Bone resorption IL? IL1 67) What fibers are stimulated when using Electrical test? A-Delta fibers 68) What type of radition on MRI? 69) Posterior border max denture? Coronoid process 70) Posterior border mand denture? Masseter muscle 71) Muscle that wont allow the pt lift his upper lip? Orbicularis oris 72) 1996 children with no healthcare.. something like that? I put medicaid 73) Pt with Down syndrome: No rampant caries 74) Best prognosis for a GTR? 3 walls defect 75) Dentinogenesis imperfecta and Amelogenesis Imperfecta are not related 76) Daughter bringing her dad to the dentist, she was his legal guardian. How to handle that situation 77) Picture of a metal frame work, the question said "the lab rejected the design" what to do?-- tell the lab to send the cast back to re-design 78) What not to give to a pt taking Gingseng? Aspirin 79) Whats not an adverse effect of lisinopril? Cough, high pottassium levels, interaction with Nsaids or orthostatic hypotension 80) Antihistamine MOA: Block receptors 81) Collimation: Reduces exposure 82) Highest absorption of radiation? Scattered from pt 83) Picture of a pt with cervical caries on central and lateral incisors? biggest concern? possibility of isolation 84) Picture of abrasion and how to restore.. I chose composite 85) Pt who is 25 years old, no history of extractions and no 3rd molars.. cause? Agenesia 86) Xray of a 9 year old.. 2 radiolucencies on areas of 2nd molars.. what are they? lesions? I put 2nd molars formation 87) Picture of an amalgam and a grey shade surroinding it.. what is it? I put caries.. how to restore? I put crown and possible post and core! It was big and near the pulp 88) Picture of a pt with atrophic candidiasis. 89) Basal membrane lesion? Pemphigus 90) Pt complaining that she shows too much gum when she smiles.. how to fix that? Lefort I 91) What includes a Lefort I? Max sinus 92) Califlower lesion? Papilloma 93) Picture of a pt missing some teeth. What is the concern if you are planning on giving him an RPD? He didnt have space on the right side for RPD 94) Pt with no attached gingiva on 2nd molar. What not to do.. Distal wedge 95) Xray of pneumatization of max sinus and if its true that it happens when the pt has chronic sinusitis 96) Sealants? Mechanical retention 97) Systemic fungal infection? I put histoplasmosis 98) Pt with pulp necrosis and sinus tract, what to do after RCT? no further tx needed. 99) Apexification apexogenesis questions 100) Not true about Sodium Hypochlorite? Chelating agent 101) Trauma to PDL? Intrusion 102) Least chance of creating a ledge? Short root, long root, curved root. I put short root. 103) Critial PH of enamel? 5.5 104) Preparation for an RPD.. Guide planes first 105) What pontic design is not recommended for the anterior area? Hygienic 106) What gives composite the radiopacity? I put the matrix 107) About 3 questions on trigeminal neuralgia 108) 3 questions on racial pigmentation of the gums 109) Pontic should? Gently rest on tissue 110) There was a picture of a resin base partial picture and the question was, whats the difference between this partial and a cast metal with acrylic partial. I put they dont act the same during vertical forces 111) You tell a pt he has to replace his amalgams for composites.. what principle? Veracity 112) Cohort study 113) Unbundling 114) High blood pressure.. Make sure you know when its ok to treat and when its not 115) Dentist ignores pt behavior? Extinction 116) Tell show do tecnique 117) Epiphyseal plates? Synchondrosis 118) Cleft lip how many weeks in utero? 6-9 119) Hyoid bone twice on Xrays