This folder contains shc files used during the development and testing of camv2 AceCad Software 27JUN03 [Version] 2.0 Not currently read [General] ShapeAlias= This optional parameter specifies the shape name to output in the cam file rather than the true shape name. ReverseXOnFeed= This optional parameter controls the X values based on the model.par parameter %FEED If ReverseXOnFeed=RIGHT and %FEED==RIGHT then X=Length-X ELSEIf ReverseXOnFeed=LEFT and %FEED==LEFT then X=Length-X Else X=X [Face] 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 1=StruCad shape face name 2=Face code to output (o,u,v,h) or p to signal Profile type cam data Can be optionally prefixed with hole cam code eg uy 3=Face origin point X 4=Face origin point Y 5=Face Y axis +ve direction reference point X 6=Face Y axis +ve direction reference point Y 7=Whether hole data is to be extracted for this face (T=True, F=False, D=Only Holes Defined on this face) 8=Whether profile data is to be extracted for this face (T=True, F=False) 9=Cam hole origin point X 10=Cam hole origin point Y 11=Cam hole Y axis +ve direction (+1=same as face,-1=oposite to face) 12=Cam hole origin is center style (T=True, F=False) 13=Whether to do Weld Prep for this Face (T=True,F=False) 14=Thickness of Flange or Web 15=Whether to do Scribing for this Face (T=True,F=False) 16=Minimum distance that the machine is able to Scribe from the Bottom Edge 17=Minimum distance that the machine is able to Scribe from the Top Edge 18=Minimum distance that the machine is able to Scribe from All other edges eg for Shape UB: TOP,o,B/2,D/2,-B/2,D/2,T,T,0,D/2,1,T,T,T,25,25,25 [Size] 1,2,3,4,5,6+... 1 to 5 are manditory. 6 onwards are optional. Values for 1 to 5 can be zero if not applicable. 1=depth 2=width 3=flange thickness 4=web thickness 5=root radius eg for shape UB: D,B,T,t,r